Thursday, February 25, 2010


I have been learning Java for about 2 months getting acquainted in various technologies like Servlets , JSPs, HTML etc... I was looking for a IDE to work in and found NETBEANS.. awesome, today I somehow even started up MYSQL! in KUBUNTU! how so ever I still could'nt find anything similar to a Dreamweaver to create HTML pages in Linux... that has left me sulking...and m well aware Linux is not the IN THING with lot of people today.. I will be adding some snapshots at the Installing MySQL had been a piece of cake in Windows.. In Linux I had to research a bit to find it, but found it has become very easy indeed nowdays...

I don't know about other Distributions m using a Ubuntu Linux so m gonna brief using it as a medium

So first of all you need to install a server
type this in a terminal ( in GNOME its Terminal and in KDE its' Konsole similar to a command prompt in Windows but yet much powerful)

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

it will install the mysql server , during installation it will ask for password for the root user, type in 1234 or anything you may like

Now since we all have become so much accustomed to using Gui's for almost anything we definitely would'nt want to type every time some commands in terminal to work with it.. besides it's time consuming too..

so now we'll install the GUI for MYSQL feeling Happy??
so what we need to do is type in the command

sudo apt-get install mysql-gui-tools-common

this will install (MySQL Admin+MySQL Query Browser+MySQL Migration Toolkit)

now to start the MYSQL go to MYSQL Query Browser from your menu
on clicking it will give the following window.

type in root in the user field and the password (Whatever you gave during Server Installation...)
and voila it connects happy SQLING in LINUX!!!

I am searching how to connect MYSQL with java programs in netbeans.. as soon as I know that I will post it..

Thanks for stopping by... Do leave a comment if it helped CYAO!!!:)

Time for a Change

Now Starting with , Change.... well the winds of change have certainly come... starting with the year, then recently I mean yesterday a new world record was made for double century by the master blaster Sachin.. I don't need to elaborate on that one,, Tiger Woods getting in a hell lot of controversies, and much more.. I don't want to talk about  them all due to time and space and crap!
Now at my personal level I had been using Gnome environment of Linux for well , The first time I first first fell in love with the LINUX OS! after 3 yrs into Linux. I somehow got bored of the same ol gnome, the static Gui did not appeal much to me.. besides we are living in a Win7 or a Mac generation with cool looks and awesome looking GUIs(Graphical User Interface) so me as usual finally gave up on making gnome beautiful any more, switched over to a already beautiful KDE environment  though it was'nt as easy as a synaptic or finding things I wanted through menus I finally seem to get hold of it after using it for a week now after a few tweaks..

Leaving all that apart.. Lets come to something more useful, if you are not a techie you will not like this next  post of mine! see ya there!